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Oxford Cares: 2019 Quarter of Caring

Our Oxford Cares program was initially formed to facilitate meaningful contributions to the communities in which we live and work. Since the program’s inception, it has continued to expand as we find new ways to make a difference for those in need.

While our program promotes doing good all year, we make a concentrated effort in the fourth quarter. In 2019, members across all our offices came together to donate time, items, and funds to 30 different charitable causes. We are proud to showcase our employees’ commitment to important causes and report that a total of more than $51,000 dollars were raised throughout 2019. Specifically to Quarter of Caring, this included:

Quarter of caring 2019


Food and Supply Drives

People donating food and supplies


In 2019, Hurricane Dorian struck the Bahamas. It is largely regarded as the worst natural disaster on record for the country. As a result, countless people lost their homes and several lost their lives. Although nothing can mitigate the losses suffered by the residents in the affected areas, our Palm Beach Gardens office personally organized drop-offs to provide supplies and other items to aid the relief efforts.


people donating hurricane relief supplies


Whether it is during the holiday season or throughout the year, our teams recognize the importance of providing food to those in need. Several offices partnered with charitable organizations to run food drives and packathons, as well as to help families and those recovering from other natural disasters. These organizations include:

Finally, our Calabasas office provided some joy and comfort to our furry friends during the holiday season by donating food, treats, bedding, and toys to the local animal shelter.


Toy Drives

people donating toys


One of the most rewarding things about the holidays is providing joy to children. To that end, we participated in several toy drives including:

As we look ahead into 2020, we look forward to championing more charitable acts within our organization. We recognize the impact that efforts like these can make, which motivates us to expand and develop this program year over year.

Together, we will continue to accomplish great things.

Learn more about Oxford’s commitment to improving and supporting the communities we serve.

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