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Hand pointing to chart on laptop screen
Case Study
Predictive Analytics to Create Customer Wellness Management System

Discover how Oxford provided a real-time, interactive, optimized customer wellness management system.

women conferring on computer
Three Superpowers of Great Consultants

In this article by Diana Alt, explore the innate superpowers that Great Consultants possess, and how they can help your organization thrive. 

Woman interacting with others virtually
Networking During a Pandemic

In this featured article by Diana Alt, learn more about the challenges and opportunities involved when networking during a pandemic. 

Male doctor video chatting on laptop
Virtual Care: Putting the Patient at the Center

COVID-19 has changed the way we communicate, work, interact, and engage. In the healthcare industry, this is arguably the most evident. Radical differences can be seen across the industry, allowing for an acceleration of virtual care.

Woman having remote interview
The Hiring Manager's Guide to Virtual Interviewing

The new remote-work era has necessitated a pivot to virtual interviews, which present a host of new challenges for hiring managers. The techniques in this guide will help you conduct meaningful remote interviews and allow you and your candidate to make the most of this valuable first meeting. 

Mature couple participates in telehealth appointment
CMS Rules and the Telehealth Revolution

To align with directives in the presidential executive orders, the CMS have proposed updates to their existing policies. These new proposals will have a significant impact on telehealth services.

Woman analyzing data at a computer
The ABCs of Certified Tumor Registrars

In 2020, it is anticipated that there will be 1,806,590 new cases of cancer reported and over 606,502 deaths. In order to effectively collect and analyze this data and provide better patient outcomes, organizations partner with Certified Tumor Registrars.

Summary of Shannon's years with Oxford, most recent project, and advice
Meet Shannon: Outpatient Auditor and Coder

Shannon’s professional background is primarily in teaching and auditing, and she has been partnering with Oxford for over 10 years. She enjoys working with Oxford because she knows “it is a company that appreciates their consultants.”

Spotlight on Catherine Malli-Dawson
Spotlight On: Catherine Malli-Dawson, HIM Practice Director

Catherine Malli-Dawson, HIM Practice Director, is a highly accomplished, multifaceted professional who approaches projects with a calm, yet savvy demeanor. Her ambition and real-world experience make her a valuable partner with endless knowledge to offer.

A doctor in his office
COVID-19 Condition Code “DR” and Modifier “CR”

With fluctuating COVID-19 cases and the unknown elements of infection and reinfection, condition codes and modifiers are being appended to every claim associated with COVID-19. This summary will explain best practices for approaching billing and claims during this time.

Two doctors on an internet call.
Telemedicine and its Expansion in the Wake of COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the way society functions has been disrupted. Arguably, healthcare has been impacted the most. Of the changes that have taken place, one of the most notable is the increased use of telemedicine due to broadened access.

Meet Janice
Meet Janice: Senior Epic ClinDoc and Stork Consultant

Janice is a Senior Epic™ consultant with certifications in ClinDoc and Stork™. She started her career as a nurse, which offers a unique perspective to every project and enables her to help the physicians and nurses she works with to provide better patient care.