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Light blue pills falling out of a plastic bottle
Case Study
CMO Management and Product Transfers

Discover how Oxford’s eight-year partnership with a CMO Management group allowed them to consistently achieve goals and expand their business.

Man and woman working in lab
Case Study
Clearing a Backlog of Microbiological Samples

Discover how Oxford assisted a microbiological testing company complete a backlog of analyses and uphold its commitments to its clients.

Woman working in lab
Case Study
Compliance & Quality Assurance for Seven-Week Remediation

In order to pass an upcoming FDA inspection, our client needed specialized support. Discover how Oxford's partnership made the difference. 

a woman holding a paper
Case Study
Scientific Validity Reports

Discover how Oxford’s team of medical writers completed 150 scientific validity reports within five months.

Needle going into a vial
Case Study
Full Facility Validation in Eleven Months

Discover how Oxford helped a pharmaceutical manufacturer open a fully validated facility within eleven months. 

Arm of Assembly Robot
Case Study
CQV for New Automated Manufacturing Equipment

A medical device manufacturer was in need of installing and qualifying a completely new piece of automated manufacturing equipment. Learn how Oxford's experts helped our client create a compliant system. 

A worker in a factory.
Case Study
CQV for Biotechnology Facility Expansion

Discover how Oxford’s talent helped meet the deadline and complete the facility expansion.

A hearing aid.
Case Study
FDA Inspection Prep for Hearing Aid Maker

Discover how Oxford promptly provided 15 consultants that were critical to achieving an observation-free site inspection.

Worker in a laboratory.
Case Study
FDA Remediation for Cardiovascular Device Maker

Discover how Oxford’s consultants helped to remediate the issue and pass the FDA re-inspection.

Worker in a laboratory.
Case Study
Gap Assessment and Workstreams for MDR Compliance

Discover how Oxford provided assistance to keep the project on track.

Man presenting at a meeting.
Case Study
Remediation for FDA Readiness

Discover how Oxford consultants revised a Quality Management System to meet FDA regulations within seven weeks.

Technician working in a laboratory.
Case Study
CQV for a Medical Device Manufacturer

Discover how Oxford’s team helped create an FDA-compliant automated production process.