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Supporting our Communities During COVID-19

The impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a ripple effect through our daily lives, our communities, and our world. As we band together to ensure the safety of our families and our communities, many are asking how we can help others.

Our Oxford Cares program serves to bring people together in times of need, so we have provided a collection of resources below.

During these unprecedented times, kindness and gratitude are more important than ever. It is important to remember that the actions we take – large and small – make an impact.

First and foremost, it’s important to consider the latest guidance provided from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO), before taking any further action. While information changes rapidly, the following has been noted to be most impactful during our current climate:

  • Donate blood to a local blood bank
  • Foster a pet
  • Sew medical masks for yourself versus purchasing these in-demand items
  • Check in with local foodbanks and homeless shelters to donate resources
  • Offer to help your neighbors and the elderly community

For those interested and able to make donations during this time of crisis,  these are some of the organizations working hard to help:

World Health Organization is raising money to help the COVID Response Fund. Donations received will go towards funding the activities of the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan as seen on their website.

Feeding America launched a national food- and fund-raising effort to support people facing hunger and the food banks who help them.

Meals on Wheels are collecting donations to give to local programs the resources they desperately need to keep seniors safe amid COVID-19.

Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Response Fund supports preparedness, containment, respond and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders.

ALONE focuses on supporting older people to age at home, and launched COVID-19 related support lines and volunteer opportunities, on top of accepting donations.

European Food Banks Federation’s Social Emergency Fund is helping European Food Banks respond to COVID-19 by recovering and redistributing food to charities and people in need.  

Additional information on nonprofits responding to COVID-19 are available at Charity Navigator.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and together we will all continue supporting one another and our communities through this time.

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