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Spotlight On: Jake Bloemke, Account Manager, Information Technology

As a self-identified “sales guy,” Jake Bloemke, Account Manager at Oxford Global Resources, is just as personable as you would expect. He enjoys getting to know his clients and colleagues on a personal level but doesn’t shy away from having the hard-hitting conversations necessary to drive successful outcomes. However, there’s more to Jake than just his work. Read on to learn more.  

Q: What is your professional background? 

A: Previously, I was a bar manager and bartender while completing my degree at the University of Missouri and EMT training courses during the pandemic.   

Q: How long have you been with Oxford? 

A: Just over two years. 

Q: What daily habits do you recommend for success? 

A: For me, it’s important to have a routine. I wake up early and check emails before I get to the office. I also keep a to-do list of things I need to complete for the day. Sticky notes are my best friend. I always write down goals or things I want to achieve to keep me motivated and focused.  

Q: What would you say contributes most to your success at Oxford? 

A: Personal drive and the relationship aspect of connecting with clients. I treat a lot of things like competitions or a sport I am training for. I ask myself, how can I be different? What can I do to be the best resource for my clients?  

Q: What is one of your greatest achievements to date? 

A: Finishing my degree was a big one. I quit halfway through after not knowing what I genuinely wanted to have as a career. I started working full-time at a bar and then changed my degree focus. I went back to university, kept working, and became a licensed EMT after switching my focus area from radiology/health science to business administration.  

Q: What attributes do you think are most important in a leader? 

A: You need to have self-awareness, decision-making skills, and resilience. Each member of a team will look to a leader for guidance, motivation, and honesty. We are the products of our environment. It is also important to listen to your team; all ideas and opinions deserve an opportunity to be heard and discussed.  

Q: What is the best book you’ve read on business or leadership? 

A: The Intelligent Investor. It focuses on longer-term and more risk-averse strategies to successfully invest in the stock market. I compare the ideas of investments based on research rather than speculations or predictions to many things in my life. 

Q: What skills will be most in demand in 2023? 

A: Cybersecurity, digital transformation projects, and BI/data. A lot of skill sets which fall under these areas are related to the cloud and stored information. Data can be used in so many ways to help an organization.  

Q: As technology continues to advance, how do you see that impacting the recruiting and staffing industry? 

A: As the world becomes more dependent on technology, I see our industry becoming especially important for high-level talent. During the pandemic, we have seen that remote work widened the talent pool for organizations who were only searching for employees within their metro area.  

Q: How do you define customer care? 

A: Customer care is treating clients with respect, kindness, and transparency. Having a solid working relationship is most critical to my success at Oxford, so I focus on building an emotional connection with them. Clients want to work with someone who is invested in their success.

Q: What advice would you give to individuals interested in consulting? 

A: Keep up to date with the latest trends and technology. Your resume can speak for itself, getting you in the door. After that, it is important you communicate well and are willing to learn or ask questions. Also, being reliable is important: Oxford works with resources we can count on to support our clients to the best of their ability.  

Q: How do you support driving change with your team or colleagues based on strategic business decisions? 

A: Value others' opinions and experiences. I have grown as an individual by listening to what my team members discuss or have questions about. Open dialogue and cooperation bring people together, even if there are differences.  

Q: What do you do to mentor the individuals on your team? 

A: I like to share my experiences and talk through similar scenarios. I find it helpful to collaborate and brainstorm solutions.  

Q: What do you like best about working with your team? 

A: As a “sales guy,” I get excited to have conversations that are not related to work. We are all invested in our jobs and being successful, but when we slow down to connect as human beings, it puts an individualized touch on the relationships I am building with others.  

Q: How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance? 

A: It's been helpful for me to create a to-do list for myself at the end of the day. This gives me the satisfaction of knowing when I get home, it is time to decompress. I already have an idea of what my day will look like when I get back to the office. Also, planning a fun trip or activity a few weeks out will keep me excited and motivated.  

Q: Why Oxford? 

A: For clients, we take pride in the relationships we build. I want to understand my clients’ needs to best support their goals. Oxford is more than a staffing firm; we support full projects and skill-gap needs. We have a global network of consultants who are highly skilled and individually vetted for specific jobs. Our goal is to find a perfect match for clients' needs rather than a handful who may potentially work out. Oxford works extremely fast; I personally have helped a client find a niche expert on a Friday afternoon holiday who started Monday morning. Since our resources are independent, typically, we are very cost-effective. A lot of candidates, I like to explain, have graduated from big firms. They are just as skilled and experienced as the alternative. We provide white glove services without the Gucci bag price tag. Similarly, for our consultants, we want to have long-term relationships with them. Our proactive recruiting model allows us to find positions one after another. As one client may be ending their project, our recruiters are submitting their resumes to other potential opportunities, so there is minimal layover between jobs. For internal employees, if you are ambitious and push yourself to succeed, there is plenty of opportunity to grow and make a lot of money. Asking the right questions, staying positive, and being honest will take you further in your career at Oxford. For myself, my directors and seasoned team members have always motivated me to strive for greatness. I always push to compete with the best. My team is made up of some amazing contributors who have gone beyond to help me get to where I am today. 

Q: What is your work motto or favorite quote on success? 

A: “Goals are like magnets. They will attract the things that make them come true.” – Tony Robbins 

Q: Do you have any special talents or a favorite hobby? 

A: Golf, when the weather is nice. Trying new food and drinks with friends to relax.  

Q: What would your superpower be? 

A: Unlimited memory 

Q: How do you take your coffee/ What’s your Starbucks order? 

A: Iced coffee with a shot of espresso 

Q: What was your first job? 

A: Cutting lawns and shoveling driveways for multiple neighbors. Then, Ace Hardware after turning 15.  

Q: Who are you most inspired by? 

A: My dad and grandfather. They were both blue collar guys who started their own companies in tiling and injection molding. They always motivated me due to the hard work they put in to give their families a better life than they had growing up. 

Over the years, Jake has continued to grow his career with Oxford. With his strong motivation and desire to always strive for better, just like his two role models growing up, he will continue to make great strides in his team.  

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