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Meet Maggie: Senior Project Manager

Summary of Maggie's years with Oxford, and more informationMeet Maggie: Maggie first encountered Oxford when she was in immediate need of high-quality consultants for a project she was managing. The way Oxford stepped up to fulfill her needs really impressed her.

Maggie started her career as an Analyst working with Cerner™, where she discovered her passion for EMRs. The more she learned about EMRs, the more she realized how useful and valuable they were – to all parties involved. Over time, Maggie gained expertise in software applications – including Allscripts™ and Epic™ – as she progressed up the ladder from Analyst to Project Manager to Manager.

After some time, Maggie relocated with her family, and she was not sure about her career path. After thinking it over, she decided to combine the cross-team communication that she enjoyed with her technical expertise and pursue a career as a consulting Project Manager. The level of autonomy and flexibility available in such a role only further cemented her decision.

According to Maggie, her relationship with her Oxford recruiter, Justin, is based on mutual honesty and respect. When speaking about Justin, Maggie said, “he’s so helpful. He always checks in to see if I need anything, and he always responds immediately. If he doesn’t know the answer to my question, he knows who to ask.”

It turns out Justin is also very intuitive. For instance, when Maggie had reservations about taking on a project, Justin immediately picked up the phone to talk, as he sensed there was more to the story. His instincts were right. According to Maggie, Justin “addressed my concerns and talked me through them. At that moment, it was very obvious to me that he cared. He wanted to know why I was feeling the way I was. Justin creates a very human connection that I haven’t experienced with other recruiters.”

One of Maggie’s favorite projects was an Epic module add-on for a hospital that had already implemented an Epic system – but was looking for ways to improve. The reason Maggie enjoyed this project so much was that the team “was on top of everything. You rarely get all parties involved working so well together. Everyone was a good team player and handled issues like champs. It was a very positive environment.”

About her most recent project: Maggie’s most recent role was complicated by the Covid-19 related resourcing shortage. Her main goal during this staffing shortage was to ensure that all her projects were completed on time and within budget. This required the extremely efficient management of teams and processes. Currently, she is managing seven different initiatives for her client, and she has continued to deliver results despite the challenges.

The key to her success has been working to cultivate positive relationships by maintaining a direct, detail-oriented demeanor. Her strategy is to over-communicate to ensure all parties have a crystal-clear understanding of their workloads and deadlines. She said, “I think today, especially in the place everyone is in mentally, you’ve got to be extra clear about what is expected and necessary to make the project a success.”

Asked about what advice she would give to someone new in her field, Maggie said, “always make sure they understand what’s going on, and to that end, ask questions. Remember, no two projects are the same, and although you may have done a similar project before, the circumstances and risks will always change. So, it’s critical to make sure you don’t assume anything. If you don’t know with 100% certainty, you really should ask. Plus, if you’re about to ask, the odds are that someone else has the same question – so it’s better to just ask and educate all parties involved.” Maggie’s ability to dig into the details and ask key questions has led to excellent outcomes for her clients.

On the personal level, since moving to Marina del Rey with her family, Maggie has been keeping busy by taking sailing lessons, learning stand-up paddle-boarding, and going for walks on the beach. And when she’s not working or enjoying the ocean, she likes to watch tv and sleep!

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