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Kids, Fido, and WFH: A Short Survival Guide

Welcome to the new normal. Many of us are now Working From Home (WFH) for the foreseeable future because of the novel coronavirus. And now — our kids are home too. Hello, double-duty! 

Two of the largest school districts in the United States have switched to remote learning in response to COVID-19 — which means a very new reality sets in for many working parents: double duty as a remote employee and educational supervisor. 

There’s a big difference in working remotely from a quiet home and doing so in a household shared by rambunctious children and excitable pets. We know that this is a tough time, so these tips are here to help! 

Make a plan for education and entertainment 

Your child’s school will likely be instituting remote learning. Some schools have sent home laptops and iPads that would normally stay at school, and some companies have made extra devices available for their employees to take home and use. Check with your employer if you don’t have a device for your child to use. 

In case you need them — WiFi resources 

Not everyone is in the same economic boat. To help, telecommunication companies are stepping up. “During this extraordinary time, it is vital that as many Americans as possible stay connected to the internet — for education, work, and personal health reasons,” said Dave Watson, Comcast Cable Chief Executive Officer. 

Be flexible 

Coronavirus is taking work-life balance and throwing a hundred monkey wrenches at it. Balancing childcare, home school supervision, and work is not for the faint of heart. You’re going to have to stretch in new and different ways to make things work. Try getting up before your kids to get some work in before the morning breakfast / walk the dog / feed the hamster / brush your teeth hustle begins. Alternately, clock some night owl hours to catch up if that works for you. Try working in shorter increments of time and taking advantage where you can. These are most unusual times, be kind to yourself, and be realistic about how much work you can actually get done. 

Create boundaries 

Put a sign that says: “In a Meeting” on the door to the room where you’re working that can help kids understand you are busy and can’t be disturbed. If your space is more of an open plan, get creative, and put an “In a Meeting” sign on the back of your laptop. Create physical boundaries in whatever way possible to delineate work time and playtime. 

Define work hours 

In this land of the new normal, the old rules won’t necessarily apply. Manage expectations. Have a frank conversation with your manager — and be realistic about what you can do. These are temporary measures in a time of crisis — do your best to meet work expectations, but also do your best to make sure your supervisors understand that you are pulling double or triple duty with kids at home. Perhaps you have a schedule of on and off-hours that don’t exactly map to a “typical” workday — with one or two hours of work occurring before breakfast, and another one or two after the kids have gone to bed. Get creative. We all need to work together. 

Take breaks, safely 

Here’s the deal: WFH with kid(s) in tow is a lot to handle, no matter how many arms you have. And now, with social distancing measures in place, it’s even harder to figure out how to structure the day between work and kids and recess and play. Are playdates ok? Outdoor playdates? Playgrounds? Parks? Dr. Eli Perencivich, an infectious disease doctor and epidemiologist, told The New York Times that organizing play dates around an isolated outdoor activity like biking or hiking, or having the kids run around a big, uncrowded park is a safer bet than the local playground. Other pediatricians are recommending virtual playdates, via Skype or FaceTime, instead. 

Get in the groove 

The bottom line: get into a routine that works for you and your family. It’s going to be vital to plan ahead, schedule your days and keep a balance of work, planned school activities, and free-play. Things are constantly evolving — we have to stay limber and roll with the theoretical punches. 

About the author 
Karina Margit Erdelyi, is an award-winning creator and digital health, wellness, and lifestyle content strategist — Karina writes, edits, and produces compelling content across multiple platforms — including articles, video, interactive tools, and documentary film. Her work has been featured on MSN Lifestyle, Apartment Therapy, Goop, Psycom, Pregnancy & Newborn, Eat This Not That, thirdAGE, and Remedy Health Media digital properties. 

This content was created, and shared with us, by Oxford’s sister company: Creative Circle. From our family to yours, we hope you enjoyed it. 

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