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QA Modernization to Improve Product Quality

Test Strategy
Test Management
Test Automation
Manual Testing
Solution Architect
Manual Tester
Scrum Master
5x cost reduction, 100% test coverage.
The Challenge

Our client maintained legacy websites to support its operating divisions across multiple hosting providers. They wanted to consolidate these platforms into a cohesive centralized platform, deployed in the public cloud, that had high availability, proper security controls, quality support and would reduce overall costs. Our client supports many platforms across several technology platforms – Sitecore™, Salesforce™, ServiceNow™, and more.

QA was done manually by Business Analysts and would be unsustainable in the new consolidated environment. The client wanted to implement QA practices to improve the quality of the products and services for the DBT department with a focus on utilizing automation to maximize the level of quality across projects.

The Solution

Our team evaluated the current QA practices and looked for opportunities to introduce new or update existing QA practices to improve product quality. We integrated with feature development teams to provide QA support in both a manual and automated manner.

Our solution leveraged our QA capabilities both onshore and near -shore. Having this blended team allowed for low cost-of-service to build the backlog of QA test automation across the supported areas.

The Result

Our solution modernized the organization with automation enabling the client to be the premier provider of support and services, and delivering high quality products through improved software quality, decreased operational defects, decreased cost of fixing bugs by 5x and increased overall customer experience. Having a dedicated QA team also enabled accelerated delivery and speed to market, continuous improvement through the product lifecycle, secure interface for the applications, and ensured security of patient data.