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Two people at a computer.
Case Study
Data Integrity Remediation Plan for Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

Discover how the right Oxford consultants were able to provide support for a Data Integrity Remediation project when a client needed niche expertise.

Two people at computer monitors.
Case Study
Batch Record Review Experts Support Product Development

Discover how Oxford’s expert consultants enabled a smooth production process by reviewing six months of inaccurate data.

Medical device
Case Study
Compliance for Combination Products

Discover how Oxford helped our client qualify 50 combination products in 3 years.

Support and Guidance for MDR Compliance
Case Study
Support and Guidance for MDR Compliance

Discover how Oxford helped a medical device manufacturer start their MDR compliance journey the right way.

Bottles on factory line
Case Study
CQV for New Blister and Bottle Filling Lines

Due to a facility expansion, a global pharmaceutical manufacturer needed to engage with an organization that could provide Commissioning, Qualification and Validation services. Learn how Oxford delivered. 

RAPS 2019 Logo
News & Events
RAPS Regulatory Convergence

Visit Oxford Global Resources to learn why having the right partner for your project is essential. We connect you to the highest caliber of talent for your staffing and consulting needs. Let us deliver The Right Talent. Right Now.®

Meet Alison
Meet Alison: Laboratory Information Systems Consultant

Alison is an Epic™-certified Laboratory Information Systems Consultant with a passion for installing and supporting products. The ever-changing nature of her role makes her excited to work with her clients and find innovative solutions.

People at the MedTech summit.
Key Takeaways from the 2019 MedTech Summit

The 2019 MedTech Summit in Brussels was an event chock full of information and insight. This year, with more than 250 meetings over the course of five days, the main focus was a deep dive on the many facets of MDR and IVDR. Over 500 MedTech managers, directors, and executives were in attendance, all with the goal to learn as much as possible about these regulations and the various factors involved in achieving compliance before the upcoming deadlines.

MedTech Summit Logo
News & Events
MedTech Summit

Oxford is proud to be a sponsor of the 2019 MedTech Summit. Oxford consultants are MDR/IVDR experts and can help you achieve compliance within upcoming deadlines. Connect with us at the summit on the 18th and 19th of June to discuss your project needs.

Two lab workers talking
How to Build the Right Team for IVDR Compliance
Although the May 2022 deadline for the upcoming In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations (IVDR) might seem distant, now is the time to evaluate what your organization needs to accomplish before these key dates arrive.
Lab workers in a lab
IVDR Compliance: The Main Challenges Ahead

In May 2017, EU officials announced regulations impacting organizations that manufacture in vitro diagnostic devices in both Europe and the US. In order to sell their products on the European market, organizations must achieve compliance by May 2022.

Why We're Excited to Attend FDLI This Year

Each year, the FDLI conference in Washington, DC is a valuable opportunity to interface with industry leaders and participate in a multitude of educational sessions. With this year’s conference rapidly approaching, we look forward to the learning opportunities we will undoubtedly experience.