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Spotlight On: Catherine Malli-Dawson, HIM Practice Director

Catherine Malli-Dawson, HIM Practice Director, is a highly accomplished, multifaceted professional who approaches each project with a calm, yet savvy demeanor. Her ambitious nature and real-world experience make her a truly valuable partner with endless knowledge to offer.

Catherine Malli-Dawson

Q: What is your professional background?

A:  I have 12 years of healthcare experience and 16 years in consulting, partnering with organizations to find unique solutions to their project demands. I received a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Science in Telecommunications Management, and have leveraged that knowledge to help me assist clients in multiple capacities over the years.

Q: How long have you been with Oxford?

A: I’ve been with Oxford for over four years now.

Q: What daily habits do you recommend for success?

A: Over time, I have found that meditation, journaling, deep breathing exercises, and time blocking my calendar are all strategies that work well for me.

Q: What is one of your greatest achievements to date?

A: Being a published author in the Ignite Your Life series compilation of books. I’ve been writing for the series for about a year now, and it’s very fulfilling.

Q: What attributes do you think are most important in a leader?

A: I believe a leader should have resilience, empathy, a positive, yet practical attitude, and the ability to remain calm amongst the chaos.

Q: What’s the best book you’ve read on business or leadership?

A: Start with Why by Simon Sinek.

Q: What are the top three trends impacting healthcare that you see?

A: AI, blockchain technology, and cybersecurity have been top of mind for a while now, but I would say supply chain management (SCM) has become a trend given the impact of COVID-19. Now, we’re recognizing how fragmented and fragile SCM really is, and organizations are being obligated to react accordingly.

Telehealth, remote work, and the ability to understand them from an infrastructure perspective have also become extremely relevant.

Q: As technology continues to advance, how do you see that impacting the recruiting and staffing industry?

A: Identifying the latest skills and knowledge is something we have always needed to stay ahead of. Right now, AI is a hugely important topic to focus on. As more companies employ AI technologies, they will likely need more people who can interpret their findings and maintain the code.

Q: How do you define customer care?

A: Putting yourself in the seat of the customer, and showing empathy for their situation and challenges. Then, having the ability and expertise to bring invaluable solutions to help solve their challenges.

Q: What advice would you give to individuals interested in consulting?

A: Do your research, know your industry, and don’t get stuck in a particular methodology. Be flexible and open to others’ ideas, and you will be successful.

Q: How do you support driving change with your team based on strategic business decisions?

A: I try to include them in the process. I request their input, run through scenarios with them, understand their views and perspectives, and incorporate them. I like to include them in the problem-solving journey because that is where a lot of valuable conversations begin.

Q: What do you do to mentor the individuals on your team?

A: I do my best to build relationships that are deeper than just work. I get to know who they are outside of work and understand their dreams and aspirations. I try to help them see their strengths and identify ways in which they can grow.

Q: What do you like best about working with your team?

A:  Seeing my team solve problems and overcome challenges is incredibly rewarding for me.

Q: How do you maintain a healthy work/life balance?

A:  I always set aside the first two hours of my day for ‘me time.’ This is when I meditate, journal, and exercise. I also recognize that while there may be deadlines to meet, family, friends, and people are more important to me.

Q: Why Oxford?

A: We understand the challenges our clients face and partner with them to overcome issues. We work with consultants to position themselves in the best roles and help them continue to improve their skills and knowledge base. Oxford is always looking for new ways to expand and grow the business, branching into new industries and acquiring businesses that complement what we currently do. On a personal level, I really enjoy the team that I work with. They are highly creative and supportive.

Catherine Malli-Dawson approaches each project in a thoughtful, straightforward, and decisive manner. Each team, client, and consultant with which she works knows they are in expert hands. Her valuable contributions and unique project solutions lead to outcomes that rise above all expectations.

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